PR/was Transhumanism in The Outer Limits?

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Sat Feb 28 1998 - 09:58:38 MST

At 11:09 AM 2/28/98 -0500, Harvey Newstrom <> wrote:
>Some of these show the horrors of the technology. Some of these are too
>fluffy-sweet showing that technology is so wonderful that we were idiots to
>ever have war, disagreements, or boredom because technology solves

The problem with "The Outer Limits" -- old or new series -- is that it is
basically science fiction horror -- i.e., what can go wrong with technology.
I guess for dramatic interest, this must be done. Else one winds up with
stories wherein the technology is grafted on to the plot -- like many
episodes of the "Star Trek" series, where the technology is just a
curiousity and not directly relevant to the story.

>My favorite part about the series is that each episode is written by a
>different author and has a different point of view and different
>characters. Unlike Babylon 5, Star Trek(s) and X-Files, which are all
>locked into the same characters and the same tired points of view, these
>are different points of view every time.

That can be an advantage. I wish more big name science fiction writers
-- Poul Anderson, Vernor Vinge, etc. -- would make it to the little screen.
I am tired of seeing "Harlan Ellison" written over everything on TV that
even pretends to be science fiction.

>It may be more effective to spread memes via a TV series rather than
>individual movies. Then we could have a different author and story idea
>every week.

That's true. Now we only have to sell the idea to a studio or network
that is willing to invest in it. Of course, a good movie might turn into
a series too.

Also, we might think of independent productions, which might create
a following, if they are done and marketed well enough.

We should also ry to penetrate other markets. The Latin American
TV market, from what I've heard, is the fastest growing. Potential?


Daniel Ust

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