
From: Mark D. Fulwiler (
Date: Tue Feb 17 1998 - 15:39:33 MST

> wrote:
> The point is not that youre not concerned about his affairs....neither am I.
> He could parade a whole troop of girl scouts thru his office for all I care.
> The point is that he lies about it. If he lies about one thing then I expect
> that he lies about other things as well.

Here is where I have to disagree with you. Everyone on earth has told a
a lie at one time or another. That does not mean that everyone lies
about everything or about most things, or that they will necessarily lie
about really important things. It is possible that someone could lie
about his sex life and be honest in all other areas of his life.

I do agree with you that Clinton has probably lied about important
things. But I do not base this opinion on what he says about his

> The relevant topic at the moment
> being a crying need (so he says) to bomb Iraq.

Yes, of course.
> And I am NO fan of big government. I HATE it with a passion. I AM a fan of
> free markets...and agree that it has probably never existed. It's all to easy
> for some thug with a gun (or club, or whatever) to come in a pronounce himself
> (king, god, pope, cheif,....etc.) What I'm trying to do is point out that
> government in general...this administration in particular....can't be trusted.
> Because EVERYTHING they say is possibly...probably? (how do you know?)...a
> lie.
> EvMick

I don't really disagree with you. I just don't see how Clinton's sexual
escapades and what he says about them leads you to this conclusion.


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