Re: Bill and Hillary

From: Howard Rothenburg (
Date: Sun Feb 15 1998 - 23:54:58 MST

Lets not get distracted by and react to only the "sex scandal" aspects of
the Clinton administration's many scandals.

The Clintons and their supporters (the vast left wing conspiracy) must be
relieved to have the media and the American people wasting their time and
energy talking about "sex scandals" among "consenting adults" or how evil
Ken Starr's methods are (please ignore any and all evidence of wrongdoing
that may be found in the process).

But, under our legal and governmental system, I think we have to care
whenever someone lies to us and lies under oath. We have to care if they
tell others to lie and advise them on how to get away with it. We have to
care if they pay others off for lying by getting them undeserved jobs
that others should have. All that and more has to be investigated to
determine the truth.

What ever happened to investigating the way the Clinton's persecuted
the travel office employees and illegally used the FBI and IRS to do it
(Billy Dale et al scandal). How about the misappropriation of all those
FBI files; how about payoffs by Tyson Chicken via cattle futures, or
payoffs by Indonesia, or China (John Huang) .... on an on it goes... (But
it really is "just a little sex scandal" and nothing we should be
concerned about).

For your entertainment, further allegations (high crimes and misdemenors)
that should be investigated (to determine the truth) follow:



Summary of Alleged Crimes and Abuses of Power by the Clinton

Updated Oct. 27, 1997 -- For reasons of brevity, titles of
individuals are omitted and allegations are listed in summary
style only. Each allegation has been described in detail in the
Washington Weekly over the past few years.

  (1) Conspired with David Hale and Jim McDougal to defraud the
  Small Business Administration of $300,000.

  (2) Used State Police for personal purposes.

  (3) Abused his position as governor to extort sexual favors
  from employees.

  (4) Directed State Police to fabricate incriminating evidence
  against political opponents: Steve Clark, Terry Reed, and
  Larry Nichols.

  (5) Knew about drug importation and distribution by a friend
  and campaign contributor, Dan Lasater.

  (6) Allowed drug money to be laundered through ADFA.

  (7) Appointed and protected Arkansas Medical Examiner Fahmy
  Malak who repeatedly obstructed justice by declaring
  murders as "suicides" or "accidents."

  (8) Has never accounted for his actions during 40 days behind
  the Iron Curtain during the Vietnam War.

  (9) Tipped off Governor Tucker about upcoming criminal

  (10) Violated Arkansas campaign finance laws.

  (11) Violated the Constitution by signing into law an ex post
  facto law, a retroactive tax increase.

  (12) Fired RTC chief Albert Casey to allow his friend Roger
  Altman to monitor and block Whitewater investigations.

  (13) Fired FBI director William Sessions and the entire top
  management at the FBI to prevent an autonomous FBI from
  investigating the suicide of Vince Foster and other scandals.

  (14) Fired all U.S. Attorneys to appoint Paula Casey who
  prevented Judge David Hale from testifying against Clinton.

  (15) Offered State Troopers federal jobs in return for their
  silence about Clinton's crimes.

  (16) Blocked Justice Department indictments after
  Inspector General Sherman Funk found "criminal violations of
  the Privacy Act provable beyond reasonable doubt" when
  former Bush employee files were searched and leaked to the

  (17) Appointed friend and felon Webster Hubbell to number 3
  position in Justice Department in order to be able to block
  Whitewater criminal referrals by RTC investigator L. Jean

  (18) Blocked the criminal trial of Representative Ford, a
  Tennessee Democrat.

  (19) Appointed a campaign activist to head the Commodity
  Futures Trading Commission, without the mandated "advice
  and consent" of the Senate, to derail a probe of his and
  Hillary's financial dealings.

  (20) Committed witness tampering by causing bribes to be paid
  to Webster Hubbell.

  (21) Committed witness tampering by causing a job with the
  NSC to be offered to former Trooper L.D. Brown in return for
  Brown's silence on several Clinton crimes.

  (22) Rifled through L.D. Brown's personnel file at the CIA in
  an attempt to find damaging information on Brown, a witness
  to many Clinton crimes.

  (23) Blocked Justice Department prosecution of Arthur Coia, a
  union Mob puppet and heavy Clinton donor.

  (24) Made fund-raising calls from the White House, a federal

  (25) Accepted a bribe from the Government of China, hidden
  from federal election inspectors by laundering it through Ng
  Lap Seng, the Bank of China, Charlie Trie and his relatives,
  and his Legal Defense Fund.

  (26) Accepted a $50,000 bribe from the candidate for
  president of South Korea, in return for a written endorsement
  of the candidate.

  (27) Engaged in a criminal scheme to launder illegal
  contributions for the president of Teamsters campaign and in
  turn laundered illegal foreign contributions through the
  "Teamsters for a Corruption Free Union" fund.

  (28) Subverted federal campaign spending limits through a DNC
  slush fund used for television advertising planned by
  political consultant Dick Morris.

  Bill Clinton is under investigation by an Independent Counsel
  and by Congress.

  (1) Made fund-raising calls from the White House, a federal

  (2) Participated in an illegal fund-raising event at the Hsi
  Lai Temple were campaign contributions were laundered through

  (3) Accepted a $50,000 bribe from a waste disposal company,
  Molten Metal Technology, in return for helping it get federal

  Al Gore is under investigation by Congress and by the Justice

  (1) Accepted a $100,000 bribe, laundered through cattle
  futures, from Tyson Foods Inc.

  (2) Speculated in Health Care industry futures while
  overseeing legislative reform of same.

  (3) Failed to correct false testimony by co-defendant Ira
  Magaziner in the Health Care Task Force trial.

  (4) Ordered members of the Health Care Task Force to shred
  documents that were the target of a court probe.

  (5) Obstructed justice by ordering the removal and shredding
  of Vince Foster's documents on the night of his death.

  (6) Hired Craig Livingstone to conduct a political
  intelligence operation against her opponents.

  (7) Defrauded the U.S. Treasury of more than $10 million by
  funneling Community Development Financial Institutions grants
  to financial institutions in which she has an interest.

  (8) Ordered Treasury officials to cover up the fraud by
  fabrication of false documents.

  Hillary Clinton is under investigation by an Independent

  (1) Convicted for defrauding the federal government (FDIC
  and IRS).

  (2) Executed obstruction of justice in the Justice Department
  in several cases: The Inslaw case, and the RTC criminal
  referrals on Whitewater.

  Webster Hubbell has resigned.

  (1) Violated federal law when he held Health Care Task Force
  Meetings in secret and refused to release documents.

  (2) Lied in court about the composition of the Health Care
  Task Force.

  A criminal referral by Judge Royce Lamberth was not acted
  upon by the Clinton-appointed U.S. Att. Eric Holder

  (1) Obstructed justice in the Foster suicide investigation by
  blocking access, removing documents, lying about his removal
  of documents, and by retrieving Foster's pager from Park

  (2) Attempted to quash a Whitewater investigation at the RTC
  through White House liaisons.

  Bernard Nussbaum has resigned.

  (1) Accepted a $600,000 loan below market interest and with
  insufficient collateral from NationsBank, a bank having
  business before the Clinton Administration.

  (2) Lied to Congress during Whitewater hearings.

  (3) Obstructed justice by attempting to have Whitewater
  investigator Jay Stephens at the RTC fired.

  George Stephanopoulos has resigned.

  (1) Accepted bribes from Tyson Foods Inc. and other companies
  which were under regulatory control of his Agriculture

  Mike Espy has resigned and is awaiting indictment by a
  special prosecutor.


  (1) Lied to Congress during Whitewater hearings.

  (2) When caught, lied to Congress about having lied to

  (3) Instructed Ellen Kulka and Jack Ryan at the RTC to block
  the Whitewater investigation by L. Jean Lewis.

  Roger Altman has resigned but is still carrying out
  assignments for the White House

  (1) Negotiated a $700,000 bribe with the Vietnamese

  (2) Accepted a $60,000 bribe from Dynamic Energy Resources.

  (3) Sold seats on foreign trips to DNC contributors.

  Was under investigation by an independent counsel when he
  died in a plane crash.

  (1) By denying them military protection equipment, Aspin was
  responsible for the death of Army Rangers in Somalia.

  Les Aspin resigned and died before he could be held
  accountable in a public forum.

  (1) Fabricated charges against White House Travel Office
  personnel to have the business taken over by Clinton friends.

  (2) Coerced FBI and IRS agents into complicity with this

  Kennedy and Watkins have resigned.

  (1) Removed documents from White House Travel Office.
  Because those documents later became the subject of a trial
  against Office Director Billy Dale, that became an
  obstruction of justice.

  (1) Lied to Congress about the composition of the Health
  Care Task Force and the size of its budget.

  (2) Obstructed justice when she removed documents from the
  office of Vince Foster.

  (3) Fabricated charges against White House Travel Office
  personnel to have the business taken over by Clinton friends.

  (1) Obstructed justice when she removed documents from
  the office of Vince Foster.

  (2) Solicited and accepted a $50,000 campaign contribution
  from Johnny Chung in the White House in return for Hillary
  Clinton meeting with Chinese businessmen.

  Margaret Williams has resigned.

  (1) Lied to Congress about conversations with White
  House personnel about the RTC.

  Joshua Steiner has resigned.

  (1) Lied to Congress about the contents of redacted

  (2) Attempted to withhold vital information from
  Congress, a felony.

  (3) Obtained a confidential Treasury report and showed it to
  witnesses before they testified before Congress in the
  Whitewater hearings. Lied to Congress when he denied
  having coached witnesses.

  Lloyd Cutler has resigned.

  (1) As chairman of Arkla, was responsible for the bribing of
  public utility officials.

  (2) Conspired with Democratic Congressional Leadership to
  block access by investigators to vital documents in a
  Congressional hearing.

  Mack McLarty escaped prosecution when a lobbyist working for
  him was convicted of bribery.

  (1) Broke into New York Republican headquarters in 1970. Has
  never been indicted for this crime which was similar to what
  the Watergate Plumbers spent time in jail for.

  (2) Had contacts with the Arkansas-based Park-On-Meter
  company which received questionable loan from Clinton's ADFA
  and was alleged to be involved in arms manufacturing.

  (3) Worked for Mafia-controlled labor unions.

  (4) Set up a $56 million slush fund by Union Mobsters for use
  in Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign.

  (5) Arranged meeting between Mob figure and Clinton campaign
  contributor Arthur Coia and Bill Clinton.

  (6) Lied to Congress during Whitewater hearings.

  (7) Improperly discussed a $500,000 contribution in a memo to
  businessman Warren Meddoff, using White House computer,
  telephone, and fax. Faxed instructions on how to launder
  contributions through tax-exempt organization to evade
  scrutiny of FEC.

  (8) Attempted to obstruct justice by orchestrating an
  approach to Whitewater witness Beverly Basset Shaffer.

  Harold Ickes was fired.

  (1) As treasurer for the Clinton gubernatorial campaign
  in 1990, he signed withdrawals from Perry County Bank, the
  president of which was indicted for conspiring to
  conceal these withdrawals from the IRS and FEC.

  (1) Covered up credit-card fraud by USIA Inspector General

  (2) Launched a politically motivated investigation of Radio
  Marti, a staunchly anti-Communist radio station run by the

  (1) State and federal contracts were awarded to companies
  in which he had a financial interest.

  The Justice Department found insufficient evidence to
  appoint a Special Counsel.

  (1) Lied to the FBI about payments to former lover.

  Henry Cisneros is under investigation by a Special Counsel.

  (1) Fabricated charges of child molestation against the
  Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.

  (2) Ordered the use of military equipment against citizens
  of the United States

  (3) Ordered the use of chemical agents against citizens of
  the United States.

  (4) For more than a year stalled the appointment of a special
  counsel to investigate clear evidence of campaign fundraising

  (1) Lied to Congress when he wrote that there were no memos
  circulating in the Labor Department instructing staff to
  gather political material against the Contract with America.
  Such memos were later published.

  Robert Reich has been replaced.

  (1) As Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison
  instituted speech codes which were found to be
  unconstitutional in federal court. Instituted thought-police
  star chamber proceedings to drive politically incorrect
  people off campus.

  (1) Used the EPA to campaign against Republicans running
  on the Contract with America, an illegal use of the executive
  branch for political campaigning.

  Carol Browner is under investigation by Congress.

  (1) Violated the First Amendment when she ordered HUD
  lawyers to silence citizens who spoke out against planned
  housing projects.

  (2) Exceeded her authority when she had HUD staff threaten
  Allentown County to withdraw an "Use of English language
  encouraged" ordinance.

  Roberta Achtenberg has resigned.

  (1) Used extortion to force banks to give
  preferential treatment to minorities. Congress is
  investigating the possibility of impeachment based on abuse
  of power.

  (2) Was found by the Supreme Court to have been abusing his
  position to subvert the election process in a manner that
  created more safe "black" seats.

  Deval Patrick has resigned.

  (1) Paid a penalty for violating campaign finance laws during
  his 1988 presidential campaign.

  (2) Accepted political donations as a bribe to kill an Indian
  casino proposal.

  The DOJ is considering appointing an Independent Counsel to
  investigate the bribe.

  (1) Started a criminal probe of Secret Service agents John
  Libonati and Jeffrey Undercoffer after they had testified
  that the Secret Service was not the source of the list used
  to compile FBI files in the Filegate scandal

  (2) Provided confidential depositions of White House staffers
  to White House Counsel Lloyd Cutler ahead of Whitewater
  hearings in 1994.

  (1) Leaked information to the White House Counsel's office
  that FBI agent Dennis Sculimbrene had revealed in a
  confidential FBI interview that it was Hillary Clinton who
  hired Filegate operative Craig Livingstone.

  (1) Accepted $25,000 from Johnny Chung in return for meeting
  with members of the Chinese Government.

  (2) Paid outside consultants to prepare a list of "hostile

  (1) As U.S. Attorney stonewalled repeated criminal referrals
  of Clinton administration employees by courts of law and by

  Eric Holder was rewarded with a promotion to Deputy Attorney

  (1) Gave the green light to an illegal arms pipeline from
  Iran to Bosnia. The pipeline was reportedly used to smuggle

  (2) Lied to Congress about the illegal pipeline.

  Anthony Lake withdrew his name from consideration for
  director of the CIA.

  (1) Committed espionage on behalf of Lippo Group and the
  Chinese government.

  (2) Facilitated payments from the Chinese government to Bill
  Clinton and the DNC through Charlie Trie and others.

  John Huang has resigned and is refusing to testify to
  Congressional investigators.

Summary: The only Clinton Cabinet Secretaries who are not under
investigation for criminal acts and have never had criminal
allegations raised against them in public are Richard Riley,
Secretary of Education, and Madeleine Albright, Secretary of

  Published in the Oct. 27, 1997 issue of The Washington Weekly
  Copyright 1997 The Washington Weekly (
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