From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp*lib.org)
Date: Fri Feb 13 1998 - 23:05:27 MST

This is not an advertisement for the sick-pups list. Honest, it's not. Really.

Kathryn, are you reading me? :) Tell your friends I have my head screwed on
just fine and don't need to carry around some other so-called
transhumanists' baggage *or* "stains".

Love is the product of compassion and liberty,


>From: Michael Butler <MBUTLER@ocv.com>
>To: "'get-a-grip@sylvan.com'" <get-a-grip@sylvan.com>
>Subject: FW: Jokes about Men
>Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:37:41 -0800
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1458.49)
>Sender: owner-sick-pups@sylvan.com
>X-Administrivia: Send administrative requests to sick-pups-request@sylvan.com
> The human list owner can be reached at owner-sick-pups@sylvan.com
>X-Majordomo-Version: 1.94.4
>X-Rcpt-To: buck@comp-lib.org
>Lest we forget, sick-pups is an equal opportunity jape channel.
>> > From: Stacey Horner
>> > Sent: Thursday, February 12, 1998 10:53 AM
>> > To: Alma Gomez; Brad Dedrick; Brenda Arcari; Chris Papierniak;
>> > Clarice Selsor; Erika Linder; Janice Lydon; Jeremy Ziebka; Ken
>> > Scottberg; Lee Bryhn; Nicole Johnson; Perry Farr; Sandi Smith; Susan
>> > Mendivil; 'Anna Posada'; 'April'; 'Floyd & Jeannie'; 'Greg Murphy';
>> > 'Marc'; 'Marc Brechwald (Nazdar)'; 'Martin Greenstein'; 'Ray';
>> 'Tony';
>> > 'Tim Wightman'; 'Uncle Robert & Aunt Barbara'
>> > Subject: Jokes about Men
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >> The 20 Best Men Jokes
>> > >>
>> > >> How does a man take a bubble bath?
>> > >> He eats beans for dinner.
>> > >>
>> > >> How can you tell a man is sexually excited?
>> > >> He's breathing.
>> > >>
>> > >> What is the difference between a man
>> > >> and E.T.?
>> > >> E.T. phoned home.
>> > >>
>> > >> What is a man's idea of foreplay?
>> > >> A half hour begging.
>> > >>
>> > >> What is the difference between men and govt. bonds?
>> > >> Bonds mature.
>> > >>
>> > >> What did God say after creating man?
>> > >> I can do better.
>> > >>
>> > >> Why do women
>> > >> rub their eyes when they wake up?
>> > >> Because they have no balls to scratch.
>> > >>
>> > >> What do beer bottles and men have in common?
>> > >> They are both empty from the neck up.
>> > >>
>> > >> What do you call a man with half a brain?
>> > >> Gifted.
>> > >>
>> > >> How can you tell if a man is
>> > >> happy?
>> > >> Who cares.
>> > >>
>> > >> What does a man consider as a 7-course meal?
>> > >> A hot dog and a six pack.
>> > >>
>> > >> What do you have when you have 2 balls in your hand?
>> > >> A man's undivided attention.
>> > >>
>> > >> Why are men like laxatives?
>> > >> They irritate the shit out of you.
>> > >>
>> > >> Why did God create man?
>> > >> Because vibrators can't mow the lawn.
>> > >>
>> > >> What are the 2 reasons men don't mind their own business?
>> > >> 1) no mind; 2) no business
>> > >>
>> > >> How are men and parking spots alike?
>> > >> The good ones are all taken and the one
>> > >> s that are left are handicapped.
>> > >>
>> > >> What is the difference between a porcupine and a porsche?
>> > >> The porcupine has pricks on the outside.
>> > >>
>> > >> Why is it hard for women to find men who are sensitive, care,
>> and
>> > good
>> > >> looking?
>> > >> Those men already have boyfriends.
>> > >>
>> > >> How is a man like a snowstorm?
>> > >> Because you don't know when he's coming, how many inches
>> > you'll
>> > >> get or how long it will stay.
>> > >>
>> > >> Why are men given larger brains
>> > >> than dogs?
>> > >> So they wouldn't hump women's legs at cocktail parties.
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 *noncommercial* communications are welcome; kindly
 substitute a hyphen for the asterisk in the above address.
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