Why do they forget about the ambulance to the future? (Was Re: Gerald K O'Neill: was Re: the death of Julian Simon)

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp*lib.org)
Date: Fri Feb 13 1998 - 22:51:12 MST

(PO) One word:


Observe and consider: These were all OLD GUYS (emphasis mine but kind: I'm
showing some pesky biomarkers myself). Failure of nerve becomes a habit for
most people as they grow older, and so does accommodating parts of your own
body and mind shutting down; furthermore, if you are suffering from a
wasting disease, you become habituated to the treatment given to you by the
available caregivers of today and you forget to remember that better is
possible; so you opt out. Organic disthymia is of course a contributing
factor--those sufferers become habituated to that neurosomatic state,
regardless of age.


PS: EVERY/ANYBODY: Please poke holes in this--I think I'm right but I want
a spirited discussion to ferret out my thinking's limitations.

At 11:19 AM 2/13/98 PST, you wrote:
>Brent Alsop wrote:
>>. I remember Jarold K.
>>O'Neal being a hero back in my high school days. Then one day I found
>>out he died. It broke my heart. Does anyone know if he was
>Dr. O'Neil was one my heroes as well, and sadly he was not preserved.
>Niether were Gene Roddenberry or Timothy Leary (biggest surprise of
>all). All of them had their ashes flown into space.
>There was some discussion on this list awhile back about why people who
>promoted extropian ideas including immortality, succumbed to entropy in
>the end.
>Paul Hughes
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