Egan's Diaspora Diagrams

From: Gregory Sullivan (
Date: Fri Feb 06 1998 - 17:11:06 MST

Gary Wolfe's review of the book Diaspora by Greg Egan which appeared in
Locus magazine contained the comment:

   I can't recall another novel with so many descriptions of
   diagrams and equations that you begin to wish you simply
   had the diagrams and equations themselves, if not a full
   set of computer graphics.

In the February issue of Locus Egan responds:
   Wolfe's wish to see the diagrams described in Diaspora has been
   granted, though - at least for anyone with an internet connection and a
   web browser - at:

   Most of the diagrams are static, but there are a couple interactive
   ones for people with Java-enabled browsers.

Gregory Sullivan

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