From Intellectual to Guru

From: Yak Wax (
Date: Fri Feb 06 1998 - 12:01:47 MST

---- From Intellectual to Guru ----

You are an intelligent person and you have a deep understanding of the
workings of the universe. You look around and see fellow humans who
don’t seem to have the same understanding and you want to help. You
talk with them, but they do not understand. You need to find away to
make them understand...

---- Dogs & Christians ----


* He sits, holds his paws in the air as if to beg, eats the food, and
acts eternally grateful.

* He would never do anything against his master’s will, because he
fears punishment.

When you first get a dog, you don’t want to have to hit it, so you
don’t. But now and again you loose patients. Clearly, you are the
intelligent one and since the dog can not understand the meaning of
your words, it’s up to you to lay down some rules. It’s customary to
use a snack or treat to “reward” the dog and thus imprint certain
concepts of “right” and “wrong” on the dogs mind.

For the early part of the dog’s life these techniques will be used to
train the dog to respect basic “house rules.” To make sure they do
not create unnecessary mess or harm others. However, as the dog
learns these basic rules it will become all to easy for you to impose
other rules for purely your own convenience. As time goes by you will
impose new laws whenever you find the dog to be a nuisance.


* He sits, holds his hands together, gives thanks for the food, and
then eats it.

* He would never do anything against his master’s will, because he
fears punishment.

When you first meet a human, you don’t want to have to hit it, so you
don’t. But now and again use loose patients. Clearly, you are the
intelligent one and since the human cannot understand the meaning of
your words, it’s up to you to lay down some rules. It’s customary to
use euphemisms to explain the necessity of these rules and thus
imprint certain concepts of “right” and “wrong” on the human’s mind.

For the early part of the human’s life these techniques will be used
to train the human to respect society. To make sure they do not
create unnecessary mess or harm others. However, as the human learns
these basic rules it will become all to easy for you to impose other
rules for purely your own convenience. As time goes by you will
impose new laws whenever you find the human to be a nuisance.

---- “My Little Pony” Ethics ----

It has been said that Extropians have seen one too many “Star Trek”
episodes based on “pleasure planets” where the entire population wears
towels and preaches “kindness” and “love.” Now, I’m not saying the
world is a harsh place, it’s just much more interesting than some
ethically whitewashed pleasure planet.

In the disgustingly titled “Unbounding the Future” (porno for
extropians) K. Eric Drexler applied his “my little pony” ethics
(contrary to popular belief I’m not the originator of that phrase.) I
paraphrase, “I will not go into detail of the potential abuses of this
technology.” Which leaves the market for my forth coming “Nano War:
The Definitive Guide to Global Destruction” wide open (featuring
diagrams of actual nanoweapons.)

Libertarians! Can’t live with ‘em, ain’t no fun in killing ‘em (damn

---- Conclusion ----

I’m just really glad I got my spellchecker working.


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