Re: A.C. Clarke

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Wed Feb 04 1998 - 09:05:17 MST

From: "Mark D. Fulwiler" <>

>Actually, I heard a rumour years ago that Mr. Clarke had an
>interest in young boys, so this is not something new. There is no
>evidence for this allegation as far as I know.

I don't know about "young" boys, but in a Playboy interview a long
time ago he essentially admitted to being bisexual. The picture
accompanying the article showed him wearing a gold lame luigi. It
gave me quite the chuckle.

>I do wonder, however, why Mr. Clarke chooses to live in a third
>world hell hole like Sri Lanka. That is odd.

Despite it's political troubles, Sri Lanka is a beautiful place,
and on his income, Clark could live very well indeed. The story
goes that Clark an avid skin and scuba diver fell in love with it's
tropical reefs which he experienced while on a vacation there. He
also wrote the book "The View from Serendip" based on those
experiences. He is also known to greatly admire the Indian culture.

Member,Extropy Institute

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