Re: Chimp Diet

From: Craig Presson (
Date: Tue Feb 03 1998 - 01:10:30 MST

On 3 Feb 98 at 6:10, EvMick wrote:
> << > help dissuade the next person who insists we should be eating a
> gorilla
> > diet.
> >
> > -- (Freeman Craig Presson)
> I assume you meant eating what gorillas eat??
> >>
> Nawwwww...Chicken Fried Gorilla.

And Braised Gorilla with Leeks and Potatoes, from my upcoming
Endangered Species Cookbook, subtitled "Diet for a New Biosphere."

(Missing Dave Kreiger here -- it will take several of us to cover
for his contributions as extropians-list Minister of Satire).

-- (Freeman Craig Presson)

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