Re: Re: Capitalism, Scarcity, MNT, and the Future

From: Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin (
Date: Fri Jan 30 1998 - 15:15:11 MST

> From:

> In a message dated 98-01-30 22:45:05 EST, you write:
> <<
> That resource is creativity.
> And to pay for creativity, another resource which can already be
> produced in very large quantities with essentially no resource input
> but which, it appears, we will also never have enough of:
> respect. >>
> Some years ago James Hogan wrote a novel which addressed this concept. I was
> greatly impressed by it and think it has significant bearing on a MNT future.
> If memory serves it was entitle "Voyage to Tommorow" or something similar.
> The "currency" was respect and the commodity was creativity.

Interesting. Amazon doesn't list that title but they do list
"Voyage from Yesteryear".

I had never previously, as far as I am aware,
encountered these two things put together in a single work (I had
encountered creativity as the ultimate scarce resource, and respect
as the ultimate payment, each seperately, more than once) .

But we can certainly find examples of it.

HOW do the members of the Linux community recognise needs for certain
software and do good jobs of providing that software?


WHY do they choose to circulate that software, mostly for free?

Respect and reciprocity.
US$500 fee for receipt of unsolicited commercial email. USC 47.5.II.227

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