Re: Meat eating

From: Charlie Stross (
Date: Thu Jan 29 1998 - 03:37:55 MST

On Wed, Jan 28, 1998 at 06:33:14PM -0700, Mark D. Fulwiler wrote:
> The human body is really not designed to process a lot of meat with the
> high level of fat common in modern farm animals.


The human body is really not "designed".

Please delete the teleological creationist propaganda from your posting
and re-state your case (which otherwise seems to be reasonably plausible).

This has been a public service message from the Darwin Police.

PS: Today's Junk URL of the Day:

Do not read this while drinking coffee or under the influence of
hallucinogens. Yes, there really _are_ aliens among us -- and some of
them have web sites ...

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