From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Tue Jan 27 1998 - 10:39:53 MST

                 Z E R O M E C H A N I C S

                (c) 1998 Ian Williams Goddard


        The Conservation Of Identity

        THE LAW

        Every ID (identity) unit (attribute) corresponds
        to a symmetrical ID unit such that net ID = 0.

        THE PROOF

        ID attributes express relational difference.
        "A unit of ID" = "a degree of difference." The
        ID units, or attributes, of A are defined by the
        difference between A and ~A. For example, the ID
        units of the numerical entity "1" are defined by
        differences between 1 and numbers that are not 1:

                   Degrees Of Difference
                    Between 1, 2, and 3

                           1 2 3
                       1 | 0 1 2 |
                         | |
                       2 |-1 0 1 |
                         | |
                       3 |-2 -1 0 |

                       ID Attributes
                       of 1, 2 and 3

        Each ID unit quantifies the difference between
        two intersecting numerical entities listed along
        the top and the left side of the box. The units
        listed vertically below the number 1 on the top
        are the ID units, or attributes, of 1 in our
        universe of discourse containing 1, 2, and 3.

        As we can see, 1 is 1 less (-1) than 2, while
        symmetrically, 2 is 1 more (+1) than 1. 1 is 2
        less (-2) than 3, while symmetrically 3 is 2
        more (+2) than 1. -2 is an ID attribute, or
        unit, of 1 relative to 3 just as Mr. Jones
        being shorter than Mr. Johnson by 2 feet
        (-2) is an ID attribute of Mr. Jones.

        As we can see, the sum of all ID units (which
        are the numerical quantifications of degrees of
        difference) equals zero. This zero sum of net
        ID holds regardless of the number of entities
        in our universe of discourse. For example:

                  Degrees Of Difference
                Between 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

                       1 2 3 4 5
                   1 | 0 1 2 3 4 |
                     | |
                   2 |-1 0 1 2 3 |
                     | |
                   3 |-2 -1 0 1 2 |
                     | |
                   4 |-3 -2 -1 0 1 |
                     | |
                   5 |-4 -3 -2 -1 0 |

        Thus the net difference between all numbers = 0.
        This establishes the "conservation of identity"
        and the "equilibrium of difference" as constants.
        The identification of constants, or laws, is a,
        or the, primary quest of all scientific inquiry.

        The conservation of ID is implicit in everything.
        Due to the conservation of ID, every ID unit you
        gain corresponds to an ID unit lost by not-you.

        For example:

        Football team A is the best team, and thus "best"
        is an ID attribute of team A (this attribute can
        be expressed as ID units by defining the number-
        ical difference between the wins of A and other
        teams). When team B becomes the best team, team
        B gains (+) the ID attribute team A looses (-).

        There are two people, A and B. A is "the tallest
        person," and thus "tall" is an ID attribute of A.
        But when B grows taller than A, A looses the ID
        attribute that B gains, and symmetrically, A
        gains the ID attribute B lost, which is "short."
        Such is the zero sum, or conservation, of ID.

         For further analysis of the zero sum of ID:


        Identity is the basis of logic, and the physical
        universe adheres to and defines the laws of logic.
        Accordingly, the conservation of identity defines
        the structural nature of the physical universe.


        The Conservation of Space-Time-Motion

        THE LAW

        Every unit of forward (+) space-time-motion corresponds
        to a symmetrical unit of backward (-) space-time-motion
        such that net space-time-motion always equals zero.

        THE PROOF

        All relative and absolute space-time-motion is symmetrical
        and is therefore composed of equal yet opposite components
        the sum of which equals zero. For the full analysis visit:

        ZERO SPACE:
        ZERO TIME:

         The Unified Field Equation: 0 = ((+)+(-)) = 0
         The Unified Field Equation: 0 = infinity = 0

        ZERO = INFINITY:

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->


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