ANNOUNCE: the "everything" mailing list

From: Wei Dai (
Date: Thu Jan 15 1998 - 18:21:02 MST

You are invited to join a mailing list for discussion of the idea that all
possible universes exist. Some possible topics of discussion might

What is the set of all possible universes?
What is a reasonable prior/posterior distribution for the universe that I
am in?
Why do we believe that both the past and the future are non-random, but
the future is more random than the past?
Before observing anything about the universe, should we expect it to have
(infinitely?) many observers?
How can we/should we predict the future and postdict the past?

Here are some papers that can serve as a basis for the discussion:

"Investigations into the Doomsday Argument", Nick Bostrom,

"A Computer Scientist's View of Life, the Universe, and Everything",
Juergen Schmidhuber,

"Is ``the theory of everything'' merely the ultimate ensemble theory?",
Max Tegmark,

To subscribe to the mailing list, please send an email with the subject
"subscribe" to the address

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