Re: Cryopromotion (was Re: Midwest Extropians)

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Thu Jan 15 1998 - 06:08:22 MST

Brichero, Robert, HMR/GB wrote:

> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> >> Interesting. Naked wrists are the exception out here;
> >> at Extro3 more people had Alcor bracelets than had
> >> wrist watches.
> >
> >I chose the necklace/dogtag just in case I lose a hand in the same
> >accident that deanimates me.
> > --
> What if you get decapitated? :)

Thats where its crucial. If you get decapitated, they'll find the dogtag
soemwhere between your body and head, and will know right then to pop
your head in a bucket of ice.... §;-)

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