RE: Semi-Automated Programming

From: Michael J. C. Gorecki (
Date: Tue Jan 13 1998 - 12:28:57 MST

The Visual programming kits do help, but dynamic(?) changes require a
smaller, interpreted widget (eg. JAVA). Agent programming is getting very
close to adapt it's processing to the user by interface. As a S/W
developer, I still look at the "Jordi LaForge" type of programming - Rapid
development, able to interface w/any type of machine or system, small (and
cool looking).

-----Original Message-----
From: Darin Sunley []
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 1998 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Semi-Automated Programming

>What I was thinking would be a high priority for software development
>companies is a form of semi-automated programming software. Basically,
>this would be a very high-level programming language which could help
>programmer do in little time what previously took hours of coding.

Some stuff like this already exists, though probably not on the scale
you're thinking of. Rapid Application Development (RAD) systems
like Microsoft Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Borland C++Builder, as
well as Delphi, automate the tiresome task of writing user interface
code for GUIs, allowing the programmer to concentrate on "event
handlers", little chunks of code that get called when user interface
elements (buttons, etc) get pushed.

I don't know if these sorts of things have been extended beyond UI
programming tho.

Darin Sunley

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