Re: God

From: Estacado66 (
Date: Mon Jan 12 1998 - 08:23:48 MST

In a message dated 1/12/98 6:21:24 AM, you wrote:

<<Or is it? All the definitions in a dictionary are made of words, and those
words also have definitions made of other words also in the dictionary,
and round and round we go. Is a dictionary totally without meaning?
I suppose that all depends on what meaning means, and what the meaning of
meaning means, and what the meaning of the meaning of meaning means, and...

Ok, now that I've made everything clear as a bell we can move on.

                                               John K Clark>>

   "Contextual certainty" is all you will ever get. Perhaps this debate about
"God" is fueled by those of you that wish for something more.


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