Left & Right Wings of Tyranny

From: Ian Goddard (igoddard@erols.com)
Date: Sun Jan 11 1998 - 20:58:58 MST

EvMick (EvMick@aol.com) wrote:

>In a message dated 98-01-10 12:39:02 EST, you write:
>> IAN: And influenced by the "Luddite left."
> I like that.
> Luddite left...Relegious Right...a fine pair.

   IAN: Tag-team tyranny.

   With a
   Luddite Left Wing & a
   Religious Right Wing
   The Vulture of Doom
   Castes its shadow
   Of darkness upon
   The future of
   All People.

   Down it swoops
   To feast upon the
   Rotting carcass of
   Fear of the unknown,
   Fear of the new, fear
   Of change and also upon
   The slowly dying dreams
   Of all those bold yet
   Poor souls who fall
   Under its shadow
   Of darkness.

   Resist this beast
   Lest you become
   Its next feast.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ----> http://www.erols.com/igoddard

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