Re: here we go and then some ....

From: Alex Tseng (
Date: Sun Jan 11 1998 - 18:32:34 MST

02:38 PM ET 01/09/98
Human cloning bans gather steam in U.S. states

CHICAGO (Reuters) - A plan to clone humans has boosted moves
in several states to outlaw the procedure, including in
Illinois, home of the scientist who made the proposal earlier
this week.

A spokesman for Robert Churchill, a Republican state
representative from Antioch, Illinois, said Friday proposed
legislation to make human cloning a felony was gaining support
and Churchill would seek to make it a priority when the state's
General Assembly meets later this year.

If the proposal became law convicted violators could face six
years in prison.

Similar efforts or proposals have surfaced in Ohio, Wisconsin and
Connecticut. In addition President Clinton has called for a
five-year federal moratorium on human cloning and Congress may
also take up the issue.

Richard Seed, a physicist who lives in the Chicago area, stirred
up renewed debate on the question this week by saying he was
ready to clone a human and could do so within 18 months if he
raised enough money.

Seed has said that he would move his operation to Mexico or
the Caribbean if anti-cloning laws are passed.


---Ian Goddard <> wrote:
> Abraham Moses Genen ( wrote:
> >
> >Rick Rossi asked:
> >
> >"What would be the legal argument for making the cloning of
humans illegal in the United States"?
> >
> >Dear Rick and other fellow Extropians:
> >
> >There is no valid legal argument for banning cloning in the
United States.
> >
> >The issue is entirely political and primarily influenced by
the quasi-moral fantasies of the so-called "religious right", and
promoted by the mass media.
> IAN: And influenced by the "Luddite left."

But it's looking like another miis-placed rendevous
what are the Luddite left ? and what can it do to help
Dr. Seed in any way ?

Perhaps if one wanted to advance cloning technologies in the US
one could start with some other animal like primates ...


Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime;
therefore we must be saved by hope.
Nothing true or beautiful or good makes sense in any immediate
historical context; therefore we must be saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone;
therefore we are saved by love.
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

If you go into a battle, it's better to win the first time.
--George S. Patton

---Ian Goddard <> wrote:
> Abraham Moses Genen ( wrote:
> >
> >Rick Rossi asked:
> >
> >"What would be the legal argument for making the cloning of
humans illegal
> >in the United States"?
> >
> >Dear Rick and other fellow Extropians:
> >
> >There is no valid legal argument for banning cloning in the
United States.
> >
> >The issue is entirely political and primarily influenced by
the quasi-moral
> >fantasies of the so-called "religious right", and promoted by
the mass
> >media.
> IAN: And influenced by the "Luddite left."

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