Re: personal identity

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Fri Jan 09 1998 - 13:08:54 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> Max M wrote:
> > If it furthermore was possible to merge the different personalities into
> > one after some time.
> This is a new idea to me. Good work! Most of the arguments against
> copying have been based on the obvious divergence of the individuals.
> Attacking the problem be resolving the divergence seems to be a logical
> approach.
> If they were later to merge, they would then be the same person. But
> couldn't any seperate individuals on this list eventually merge and
> become one person in some distant future? Aren't we seperate
> individuals until/unless that happens?

A preliminary study should look at how the human brain changes its
personality/etc when the individual either marries or gets a dog. Is it
a chicken or egg thing that many married folk tend to seem like

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