Richard Seed, human cloner

From: Damien R. Sullivan (
Date: Wed Jan 07 1998 - 13:48:44 MST

Reading cnn's news article:
     Clinton issued an executive order blocking the use of federal funds
     on human cloning research and proposed a law banning such research
     for five years,

     Several measures to ban cloning are awaiting action in Congress. In
     the meantime, the Food and Drug Administration says it has the
     authority to regulate human cloning research.

There you go. Benefits of our wonderful democracy; we can't even pass
cloning ban quickly. Britain would be (has been?) much faster.

CNN is also taking an Internet poll. Utterly unscientific of course, but
it's registering 32% yes, 65% no, 1% only in cases of infertility. I
list in the order options are presented, which may shape the results.

-xx- GSV The Low Golden Willow X-)

To Aphrodite sworn was I,
But how could I a god deny?

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