Re: here we go

From: Thom Quinn (
Date: Wed Jan 07 1998 - 08:20:58 MST

The Milwaukee Journal picked up on Richard Seed about 4 weeks ago, he
made almost identical comments at a cloning conference in Chicago then.

Does anyone out there have his email or address? If so, please send it
to me privately.

Thom Quinn

> From: Alex Tseng <>
> >U.S. scientist poised to clone humans, radio says
> >A Chicago-area scientist is poised to start experiments on
> >cloning human beings to create babies for infertile couples,
> >National Public Radio (NPR) reported Tuesday. It said Richard
> >Seed, a physicist who has done fertility research in the past,
> >was proposing setting up a clinic that would clone babies for
> >would-be parents. NPR said Seed had been negotiating with a
> >Chicago area clinic, which it declined to name, that had all the
> >equipment needed to try the procedure. Seed could not be
> >immediately reached for comment.
> >Just received this over infobeat ...
> >is anyone following up on this out there ... ?
> >here we go .... ATLC
> Yep, it's all over the press/papers here in Chicago today, I was a
> little surprised, I thought Klinton and the congressional luddites
> passed a law against human cloning research...
> If not look for one.....
> Brian
> Member, Extropy Institute

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