Re: Public Relations

Date: Mon Jan 05 1998 - 16:52:39 MST

On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Brian Atkins wrote:

> I think it might be nice to have an Extropian organization that
> would perform functions similiar to the ACLU. i.e. fighting
> things that we think need to be fought. It could double as
> a lobbying organization.
> I see posts on this list all the time about how various
> governments pass stupid laws and otherwise trample on things
> that we like or want- why not try and fund our own organization
> for stopping these problems?

This is an intriguing idea. I wonder if the priorities of this
organization would be conspicuously different from others that already
exist. Is there an as yet unoccupied niche for a specifically extropian
form of political activism? I'd love to see what it would look like.

Best, Dale

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