Re: [MEDIC] extropian medicine 3

From: Twink (
Date: Sun Jan 04 1998 - 10:40:32 MST

At 05:35 PM 1/4/98 +0100, Anders Sandberg <> wrote:
>> I would think also urine analysis, perhaps done spectrally or through a
>> gas chromatograph. No, even that sounds a bit much.
>> How about finding out what basically goes wrong -- i.e., what chemical
>> changes happen in blood, urine, etc. -- and developing simple solution
>> tests for those? In other words, mix 1cc of blood with the kit's blood test
>> solution A and depending on what color it changes, this tells you if blood
>> LDL levels are too high?
>> Something like this might prove marketable now.
>Yes, although drawing blood is a problem for the market (can you draw
>1 cc blood yourself without hurting you?). If you need a blood test,
>it must be able to work on just a drop of blood to be
>marketable. Urine tests are easier, but urine doesn't contain all the
>stuff we would like to measure.

But does it, at least, contain things which might be harder to monitor from
blood samples?

>There are a lot of information in the blood. Kinase levels tell about
>muscle damage (esp. infarcts), there are several marker molecules for
>liver or kidney diseases, LDL and antibody levels are interesting and
>so on. But to interpret these results well you need some expertise,
>even 100% healthy people tend to have at least some odd values.

Interesting, because my suggestion was going to be to just get some
healthy ranges and warn users that the test kit is not foolproof.

>Anyway, I think there really exists fairly simple tests for many of
>these chemicals. What is needed now is packaging them together,
>creating a simple user interface and marketing it.

That sounds brilliant! Bundle together a bunch of simple tests and
market that.

>> I can imagine doing very simple tests, such as those of reaction time to
>> visual stimuli combined with a measurement of neurotransmitter levels...
>Yes, and a glucose level test together with some memory tests (this is
>something I actually plan to do later this spring).

Keep us posted.

Daniel Ust

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