Re: Boredom and uploading

From: byteboy (
Date: Fri Jan 02 1998 - 20:04:51 MST

This line of thought reminds me of a short story I read... Can't remember if
it was by Asimov or Phillip K. Dick or Rudy Rucker or someone else along
those lines, but it was about an evolutionary robot/computer that knew
everything and was to be immortal - and turned out in the end to be
suicidal. I can't quite remember the exact details... maybe someone else
can fill this is for me...


Max M wrote:

> I have been wondering about living for ever and ever. That if I was
> uploaded and running a Gazillion times faster than now, and living
> Billions of times longer than now.
> Wouldn't life at some point get boring?
> As far as I can see the solution is to not only become a weak super
> intelligence. But to actually become more intelligent.
> As I am now, the only things that i find interesting are the things I
> find hard. Compare something like tic tac toe to chess. Any adult
> playing tic tac toe and concentrating about it can hardly loose. At the
> same time chess is a very complex game. The rules are a little harder,
> but the main challenge comes in the complexity of the system and all of
> the possible variations.
> I find things interesting right now that animals doesn't. Storytelling,
> Pretty pictures, music, science, philosophy, mathematics (well sort of),
> Probably as a >H i will find things interesting too that I can't even
> comprehend or fathom right now. Therefore I think it will be a long time
> before I will get bored.
> Thus Max M's first rule of >H ;-) is:
> As i get more intelligent and understands the problems I currently have,
> i will find new and interesting problems.
> I Look forward to chess being as transparent to me as tic tac toe is
> right now, and me playing some kind of 1000'th dimensional checkers.
> Or maybe then I will still try to understand my own mind which will
> probably race ahead of my "self" in complexity.
> MAX M Rasmussen
> Denmark
> New Media Director & Multimedia Artist
> Private biz:
> The graphic 3D novel:
> Work:

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