Canada and violence

From: Mark D. Fulwiler (
Date: Sun Dec 21 1997 - 22:43:28 MST

It is interesting to note that the murder rate in Vermont, which is the
only state in the country that does not even require a permit to carry a
concealed gun, was 2.1 per 100,000 in 1992. (Source: Statistical
Abstract of the U.S., 1994 edition.) The overall Canadian murder rate
has been around 2-3 per 100,000 in recent years. As a matter of fact,
most of the states bordering Canada, which tend to have similar ethnic
composition, have comparable murder rates.

Murder rates in the U.S. have been dropping in recent years despite an
increase in the number of guns.

Those interested in gun control should be interested in a recent CATO
Institute study. CATO concluded that states which have liberalized their
concealed carry permit systems to allow all law abiding citizens to
carry a handguns have experienced drops in their murder rates much
higher than the national average.

I would say that politicians who refuse to allow people to arm
themselves have blood on their hands. Unfortunately, the anti-gun nuts
don't seem to want to be confused by the facts. I am pro-gun, but I
would at least admit it if gun control really did work. The other side
seems to be more of a religion (and a lethal one at that) than a
rational position.

This issue is especially important for extropians because I assume that
it is obviously in our own best interests not to be murdered. Duh!

Mark Fulwiler

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