Re: Externalities (was Re: Gun census Tally: Sun, Dec.21, WAS:Re: Gun Owner/Extropian census)

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp*
Date: Sun Dec 21 1997 - 14:59:42 MST


>If this is so, then firearms are not as inexpensive as the market is
>telling us,

Possibly, depending on what distinctions are made re: terminology (a fight
I have no interest in entering with you).

>and they may not be the most practical method of ensuring
>your own personal autonomy and freedom.

This, while it is arguable, is a complete non-sequitur. The "if this is so,
then" part of your sentence suggests a sequitur for which I find no
evidence in any of the rest of your post. Are you, perhaps, throwing sand
in the bull's eyes?

I could argue that there is no method available that "-ensures- {emph.
mine] [one's] own personal autonomy and freedom", but I know of an approach
that seems to be recurrently popular the world over and has some success
rate: monopolize power and subjugate everyone else. It worked for Bokassa,
Amin, Dzugashvili, Emperor Ch'an... And _it's_ not a sure thing, and you
have to be a certain type of person.
I don't want this to devolve into a kneejerking match, but let me pose the
same question I asked earlier in a slightly different form: what is the
external cost of that left-for-dead fifteen year old girl?
>Keith M. Elis
>A/K/A Hagbard (to the initiated)
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