Re: Re Look out! long hair gun loon!

From: Wayne Hayes (
Date: Sat Dec 20 1997 - 16:42:56 MST

Geoff Smith <> writes:
>Canada? Well, I live here in fact. Last month, a bunch of 13 year old
>girls broke another girl's legs with baseball bats (please note:
>baseball bats are sporting equipment, not weapons?) then threw her into a
>lake to drown in the small, peaceful town of Victoria, British Columbia.
>My point?

>a) Anything can be a weapon, you can't get rid of
>them, so there's no point in saying "it's too soon to say."

>b) Canada is not the peaceful little place you think it is, and the peace
>you do see is definitely not the result of a lack of guns.

The facts disagree. After a little web-surfing, I found the following
article. It's from an anti-gun advocate organization, so you can argue
that they have an agenda --- of course they have an agenda, but this
little article is "just the facts", and the references they cite look
impeccable. It's from

--- BEGIN quoted web-page ---

   Basic Facts...

   International Comparisons

   The murder rate in the United States surpasses that of every other
   industrialized country in the world. The murder rate in Washington,
   D.C. is fifteen times greater than that in Northern Ireland, a nation
   plagued by terrorism.(9) This level of handgun violence does not occur
   in other developed nations. In 1990, handguns were used to murder 22
   people in Great Britain, 68 in Canada, 87 in Japan, and 11,719 in the

   The number of young men killed in the U.S. versus the rest of the
   world also is staggering.

   In 1990, the homicide rate per 100,000 population for males ages 15 -
   24 was as follows:(11)

        Country Rate
        United States 37.2
        Italy 4.3
        Germany 1.1
        Canada 0.9
        United Kingdom 0.6
        Japan 0.5

--- END quoted web-page ---

My favourite sentence is, "In 1990, handguns were used to murder 22
people in Great Britain, 68 in Canada, 87 in Japan, and 11,719 in the
U.S." Think about that for a second (just one second should suffice)
and then tell me again how the lack of handguns doesn't affect the
peacefulness of a society.

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