Re: Movie Review: Dances with Militias

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sat Dec 20 1997 - 13:02:57 MST

The _what_ stops _where?_ wrote:
> JT McBride writes:
> >
> > I had the privilege to attend a special premiere of "The Postman" last
> > night because the author of the book it's based on, David Brin, is a San
> > Diego resident, and agreed to a book signing and the premiere.
> >
> > I really liked the movie, and I think everyone should see it.
> >
> > If you haven't read the book, you have less than a week before the movie
> > is released to theatres. Although the story line of the movie departs
> > dramatically from the book, the screenwriter managed to capture the vital
> > essence of the book -- something really rare from Hollyweird these days.
> >
> > The story does revolve around a cautionary vision of survivalist militia
> > run amok -- might makes right, or the rejection of all that makes for a
> > civilized society. If anything though, the movie portrays the use of guns
> > in self-defense in stronger scenes than the book. Some things ARE worth
> > dying for - Hope, for example, and love.
> >
> > The book was written back when stories of Survivalists stashing away arms
> > and food caches in the forests were rampant. The screenplay is updated,
> > and I give them credit for not ONCE mentioning the word "MILITIA".
> >
> > Thumbs up.
> >
> > Jim

I first read "The Postman" back around 1987, and really enjoyed it. It
has themes of both liberal and conservative stripes. THe liberal in that
we should never let hate become a force in our internal politics,
conservative in that if the Federal Government stuck to just delivering
the mail and defending against foreign invaders, I bet a lot more people
would be happier with it.

			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------	Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?

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