Re: Re: The Natural World

From: CurtAdams (
Date: Fri Dec 19 1997 - 11:04:24 MST

In a message dated 12/19/97 2:10:07 AM, you wrote:

>CurtAdams wrote:
>> We started altering the Earth's nitrogen cycle in a major way about 1
>> ago.
>Who gauged these "major" changes? When were they measured? Where were the
>drawn? What methodology was applied? Which controls were established? How did
>researchers document the state of nitrogen in the atmosphere before these
>supposed major changes happened, in order to determine the differential in
>rate? In what manner could a rational being find this reseach, in order to
>the thesis?

Standard chemistry knowledge. About 1/3 of the nitrogen fixed to ammonia
compounds (the bioavailable form) is done by chemical plants. The numbers
should be in any basic agricultural or chemical reference; I got it from a
recent SciAm article. There are no controls; it's done to get fertilizer,
not to change the world. It changes the world as a side effect (just like
nitrogen-fixing bacteria or photosynthetic plants).

>> When the natural world fails to provide

>What has the natural world failed to provide?
>What natural event does no longer
>take place in the natural world?

Natural food production became inadequate about 10 kya. So humans started
agriculture. It appears we've just hit the limits of natural fish production;
expect a lot more fish farming in the near future.

Generally we don't completely stop events; just change their frequency.
There are a few examples; we don't get swarms of malarial mosquitos in
the American South anymore, but those are exceptional.

>> Rather, it's now the "natural" world which requires the focused effort of
>> large numbers of humans to maintain it in the face of all the other people
>> want to change it.

>Indeed, since reason is a
>human phenomenon, and humans are a natural phenomenon, and phenomenons are
>dynamic expression of the natural world, any effort to maintain the natural
>in a static condition would be contradictory to the essence of that ever-
>natural world.

I'd agree. That's why I put "natural" in quotes. Nonetheless, lots of people
are trying; that's why you can't even bring sled dogs into Antarctica anymore.

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