Re: guns guns guns

From: Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin (
Date: Thu Dec 18 1997 - 22:02:22 MST

> From: Harvey Newstrom <>

> kip wrote:
> >
> > i really dont want
> > anyone telling me that im A.) too suggestable to read pornography
> > B.) unable to control my intake of non-lethal drugs, and C.) too
> > irresponsible to own a gun.
> > why does the government, or the darker forces of liberalism feel
> > they know better?
> I only consider the anti-gun position to be "liberal." The other
> two positions are more "conservative." -- Harvey Newstrom

I consider them all to be statist. I see no fundamental difference
between a "liberal" who wants the government to usurp my authority
over my own life, and a "conservative" who wants the government ot
usurp my authority over my own life.
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