Re: Free Lunches (was: OUTREACH 101)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Dec 17 1997 - 10:33:47 MST

On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

> The point of TANSTAAFL is much more specific: nothing is free
> /even to the person for whom it is free/. Linux users who think
> they get it for free are paying a very high price in learning

Most Linux users are using dual-boot boxes, and many own small home
networks with dedicated Windows machines. Usually, the Linuxianer has a
richer perspective (thanks to pirates, I have no problems with el cheapo
CDROMs stuffed with all kinds of (usually unaffordable) delicacies), not
vice versa.

> to use a more complex system, sacrificing the productivity of

There cometh no power without the price tag attached. If somebody demands
a DWIM, then give him a lollipop. I've learned a lot about networking in
the past few months, all in a very nonchalant way. Can't claim the same
for NT4.0 nor Win95, no ways.

> lots of off-the-shelf software that's not available, increased

Not available, that's readily remedied. Unless your tastes are very
exquisite, getting a port should come cheap. With Java, even porting stops
being an issue ( ).

> cost in exchanging data with others, and other costs. Not a

Which obscure formats do you refer to? You cannot mean Microsoft Word and
the Excel spreadsheet.

> bargain at all. Paying $100 to get an OS that won't incur those
> costs is a bargain.

Make that $2 (CheapBytes). And yes, I'd gladly pay $500 if I got that
functionality. But enough Holy Wars, this is way off-topic.


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