Re: Time travel and immortality

From: Prof. Gomes (
Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 - 11:55:12 MST

It is not necessary reverse time-travel but just reverse time-access, in
such a way we could recuperate the individual to the present (future.....).


At 23:16 12/12/97 -0800, you wrote:
>This is a side issue from the FTL "teleportation" story, but does anybody
>know if travelling backwards in time is theoretically excluded by General
>Relativity or any other physical theory.
>If reverse time-travel is possible, then I guess (should we fail to
>achieve biological immortality in our lifetimes) we have a chance of being
>"rescued" by future humans once time travel is invented. In this way,
>anybody who has ever lived is potentially immortal if they can be snatched
>from the past. I think there are some obvious flaws to this argument,
>though. For example I don't see any time-travellers around right now.
>But there is the parallel universe thing etc.

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