Re: SOC: "WIRED" survey on "the Digital Citizen"

From: Michael M. Butler (butler@comp*
Date: Sat Dec 13 1997 - 16:53:43 MST

I suggest you forward your definition to the folks at hotwired. The author
of the piece sort of (politely) implied that he had some of the same
misgivings/complaints you have. From my standpoint: I've had a dedicated
modem line for almost ten years; I've had my own domain name for at least
one; that ought to make me "connected" right there. :)


At 12:20 PM 12/13/97 -0800, you wrote:
>> From: GBurch1 <>
>> WIRED magazine has published the results of a fascinating poll of
>> the "wired" community. The article by Jon Katz and some of the poll
>> results can be found at
>In one respect I am already less than impressed with this survey, and
>I haven't started reading the results.
>By their definitions I am "semi-connected".
>At work I have two phone lines, voice mail, a pager, an Internet
>email address, and two PCs on a network which includes a T1 Internet
>connection (and a third PC which I rarely turn on). I am browsing
>the Web (work-related) at least twice a week, and receive an average
>of probably 20 emails per working day. My email is usually running
>constantly. At the end of the workday I get on a bus and RELAX for
>forty-five minutes. Since I am relaxing, I don't want to be working
>on a laptop or talking on a cell phone, so I don't have those.
>I go home to a telephone with answering machine, a modem on a
>separate line, a different Internet email address, a half-dozen very
>active newsgroups (average about 200 new messages per day not
>including spam), a couple active Internet mailing lists (average
>about 60 emails per day not including spam), a half dozen web sites
>that I look in on at least once a week, and another half dozen per
>week that are mentioned in the newsgroups or email and I judge worth
>If that is "semi-connected", then anyone who is actually connected
>really should get a life.
>I would have suggested a different standard:
>Count the number of telephones, modems, fax machines, pagers, cell
>phones, and answering machines dedicated for your use (including
>your family stuff); add one if you *use* some sort of modem pool or
>communal high-speed internet connection at least once a week, ditto
>for a communal fax machine. Include voicemail. If you have a
>multiline phone and the lines are dedicated to your use (with no more
>than two coworkers, but including your family), count the extra
>lines. Count the email addresses you check at least three times a
>week. Count the web sites or public archives you have maintained in
>the last three months. Count the mailing lists you've subscribed to
>that result in at least three emails a week on average. Count the
>web sites you visit at least once a week, and Usenet groups you read
>at least twice a week (that actually have non-spam messages that
>often), and the Web sites that you visit in a typical week as a
>result of receiving the URL in an email or newsgroup message in that
>same week.. Add them all up. Three or fewer is unconnected. Four
>to nine is semi-connected. Ten to twenty-seven, connected.
>Twenty-eight up, super-connected.
>(The exact numbers that define the categories are not essential.)
>By the way, by this standard my count is 30; my 16-year-old
>daughter's is 12.
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