TERRIBLE DOUBT...IS KIRK DEAD !!??>>> PHYS; Quantum Teleportation

From: Prof. Gomes (profgomes@geocities.com)
Date: Fri Dec 12 1997 - 17:10:37 MST

In the method used for teletransfer the particle, it is necessary to
destroy the original...
But if we talk about a person, like Kirk, I suppose that after the first
teletransport, it is not the
original Kirk anymore... although the copy "teletransported" has the same
memory banks than the original
and simply continues Original Kirk's work....and for everybody, he just
*apparently* is the original>>> Got what I mean ??????

That is obvious because if we do not delete the original >>> there will be
2 Kirks...>>
And if the original is the one not deleted, if you destroy him, the second
will be just a copy.....

SCIENTISTS>>> let's try to solve this problem!!!

What a vain Philosophy...[+/- Shakespeare...]


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