Re: Chicago Extropians

From: M. E. Smith (
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 11:51:06 MST

Concerning Midwest Extropians, there are now four
people who have said they will probably be able to
make it to a gathering somewhere in Chicagoland on
January 10. Great! Any more??

Once again, I'm going to be unable to utilize e-mail
for a few days after today. Meanwhile, does anyone
care to make a suggestion as to where?

January 10 will be here soon, so I think it's best
that we attempt to further solidify the plans.
However, if you guys just want to meet and figure
things out then, that's okay with me.

Just to throw out ideas, how about somewhere we can
play darts? Or something more elaborate like
rock-climbing? (I recently had my first rock-climbing
experience and loved it.) Karaoke? (Just kidding.)

Hey, you other Chicagoans, help me out here. What's a
good place?

For anyone who might be using public transportation
(bus, train), I offer to meet them at the
station/terminal. That said, we don't neccessarily
need to meet near any station/terminal.

-- Mike Smith
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