Re: PHYS: Quantum Teleportation

From: Brent Allsop (
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 09:56:19 MST


        OK, what is this "Quantem Teleportation" stuff? When you read
the descriptions in these CNN and such articles it sounds like they
are describing a quantem phenomenon which is merely communication
faster than light (not teleportaion, although it would be nice to
teletransport faster than the speed of light).

        But then they say:

> This does not mean that faster-than-light information transfer has
> occurred.

        What does this mean when they say this after describing a
process which is comunication faster than light? Why? Can anyone
help me out here, or point me to more information which better
describes this stuff?

                Brent Allsop

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