Re: Kyoto, Driving our car

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 04:39:32 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:
> From: Michael Lorrey <> writes:
> >Unfortunately, the object ahead is a bull moose. 1100 lbs of bone
> >and meat and huge antlers. Unlike a stationary object, he moves
> >around, and unlike another vehicle, he tends to move in whatever
> >direction your or your fancy schmantzy collision avoidance
> >computer thnks he's not going to move in. The papier mache thin
> >body of your vehicle crumples like toilet paper when it hits, and
> >since its low body hits the legs, the body of Bullwinkle comes
> >crashing down on top of the car, crushing the cockpit and breaking
> >the backs or smaching the skulls of everyone who is pinned in
> >their seats by their superduper airbags.
> >A guy died recently from hitting a moose with his 1/2 ton pickup
> >truck. Imagine what would happen to a little toy like Mr.
> >Super-duper Electromobile.
> <sigh>
> Have a bad day yesterday Michael?

No I just get knida tired of hearing people making preposterous

> The composite body of a Hypercar is not paper-mache thin, and in
> fact its monocoque construction makes it much stronger than a
> conventional car and probably your 1/2 ton pickup.

Not bloody likely. Ever wonder why more vehicle occupants that are hit
by trucks are killed than occupants of the trucks??? Law of inertia. A
smaller vehicle is a)not going to have the same structural strength as a
much larger utility vehicle and b) will be stopped faster than a larger
vehicle, causing much more traumatic injury.

> It will not
> crumple like tissue paper.
> If I could not stop short of the Moose, I would accelerate. (law of
> inertia you know.) letting Mr Moose with his now broken legs land
> behind me.

Considering that ALL cars are now required to be designed with what are
known as "crumple zones", I highly doubt that this would be the case.

> Lets say I did stop short of this moose. I'd either try and reverse
> my course, or sit there quietly and wait for him/her to pass.

IF you see him in time. They tend to have this habit of using vehicle
headlights to iluminate the road first, so they can see that they won't
stub their toes or something crossing the road, so they jump out just as
you reach them. Additionally, their hide is very dark with no sheen, it
seems to suck light into it. ( The Canadian Stealth Program: Driving
moose across the pole....)

> If threatened, I'd reach for my trusty Oneida Strike Eagle, notch
> a 33.5", 3316 alloy shaft, thunderhead 125 equipped arrow, and
> convert Mr bad attitude into 1100lbs of steaks, chops, and
> mooseburger. After all it's the law (at least in Alaska) than you
> have to salvage a game animal if killed (even if struck by a
> vehicle). Maybe a nice new full length moosehide jacket and
> moccasins as well.

In NH, moose hunting is by lottery. They definitely don't let you take
roadkill home here.

> He wouldn't be the first, nor last.
> Merry X-Moose
> Brian
> member Extropy Institute
> member World Bowhunters

			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------	Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?

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