Re: Technology as Dribble Glass

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Dec 10 1997 - 15:54:57 MST

> There is a moral point here.
> Acquiesce to barbarism implies support of barbarism.
> By saying "I should learn," one implies that
> we all should learn to adapt to bad designs,
> that it's okay for people to hand us dribble glasses.
> We shouldn't. It ain't.

I love this analogy; it's wonderfully enlightening and
entertaining. I might point out, though, that it applies
equally well to institutions of society as it does to
items of technology. "Learning" that men should wear
ironed shirts and shined shoes, and women painted faces
and fashionable dresses, or that certain simple, perfectly
clear four-letter Anglo-Saxon words should be avoided in
favor of obscure Latinates are also examples of adapting
to the dribble glass.

My favorite quote along those line's is Krishnamurti's:
  "It is no sign of mental health to be well-adjusted
   to a profoundly sick society."

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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