Update: Contest is now cloncluded

From: Arjen Kamphuis (mountain@knoware.nl)
Date: Sun Dec 07 1997 - 13:00:53 MST

Thanks for al the replies you've sent us!
We have started our selection proces and will start screening names with
the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in a few days. As soon as we have made our
final choice the winner of a $100 Electroninc gift certificate from Amazon

During the next daysWe'll change the name of our site, the URL, the logo
(somewhat), register the new Transhumanist Society and start actively
promoting our organisation.

In spite of having not sought the media untill now we've already received
several invitations for TV-appearances, radio and a series of interviews by
a cultural magazine 'DutcH'. The latter was started last saturday when we
discussed our ideas with a journalist for several hours (great fun for
everyone involved!). When we get a draft of the article I'll make a
translation and post it to the list, problably the journalists will also
have a look at the ExI-site, Homo Excelsior and Aleph.


     Arjen Kamphuis | Learn as if you will live forever.
mountain@knoware.nl | Live as though you will die tomorrow.

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