Transhuman (cryo) Chat LIVE !!

From: Berrie Staring (
Date: Sat Dec 06 1997 - 01:25:48 MST

Hello all,

Tonight in the Netherlands and this afternoon in
the USA (CA) we will have a real time link
between the Dutch Excedo? members and
The Cryo feast of Natasha and all the others.

For all of you who would like to join:

At 24:00 I will (try to) login at the IRC (internet relay chat)
server of:

  DAL CA Toronto

  My nickname is Berrie4s

  and I will be in Funfactory

This 24:00 is the local dutch time and it should be
something like 15:00 in the USA (CA).
(we can discuss further then for other times
of link up)

If you want a bit more info, drop me a note.

Best regards,

Berrie Staring Email :
Co-founder: (Excedo?) Dutch >H
Site: present in December 1997
" So you own the seed. It will not become
  a Bonsai, unless you let it grow and cut wise"

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