Extropian Fund?

From: Brian L. Fritz (bfritz@shol.com)
Date: Thu Dec 04 1997 - 19:42:21 MST

I had an idea that might help ExI membership.

What if ExI started a mutual fund that was only available as a service
to ExI members. The Extropian fund would provide ExI members an
opportunity to actively direct capital towards companies that promote
Extropian principles, and hopefully earn a good return on their
investment. An Extropian fund might increase membership and public
awareness. The unique perspectives that Extropians have on future
social and economic trends could prove useful in developing an
investment strategy. Who else would be more qualified to manage our
investments should we find ourselves hanging on the eve of singularity?

I don't know anything about the technical or legal aspects of starting a
mutual fund, or how much start up capital it takes. Would it be
appropriate for ExI to take on such an endeavor? Anyone have any
comments on this idea?

Brian L. Fritz

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