Re: New option: Leave Extropians as is, start exi-members list

From: Michael Butler (
Date: Tue Dec 02 1997 - 11:58:59 MST

You make good points. The only problem here is how not to go
about alienating those people who already use "extropians" as Hyde Park...


btw, I like the idea of calling the other list hyde-park-extropians. :)

On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, S.J. Van Sickle wrote:

> This list is sponsored by ExI itself, yes? Its going to be the
> first place newcomers look, since they will want to see the "main"
> list (even though that would not be accurate). First impressions are
> important. Why not do it the other way? Make this, the "main",
> unhyphenated list members only post, everyone read, and create a
> Extropians-Free for All list. Make the Extropians FfA deliberately
> *anything goes*, nothing censored, like the Speaker's Corner in Hyde
> Park. Actively encourage eccentrics to speak out as an expression
> of Extropian ideals without seeming to endorse them. That way we can
> present a more serious, controlled public face while still providing
> a forum for totally unfettered communication.
> steve

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