Re: New option: Leave Extropians as is, start exi-members list

From: Ian Camilleri (
Date: Tue Dec 02 1997 - 04:50:00 MST

At 01:26 AM 12/2/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Here's a possibility that I'd like to hear feedback on:
>The current proposal is to make the Extropians list into a members-only
>list for posting ability, but non-members could still read messages.
>Instead, we could leave the Extropians list as it is, and create a new,
>additional list, say ExI-Members, or Extropians-Special, or
>Extropians-Insider (or whatever has the appropriate elitist ring to it :)
>). That would leave this list more open, but mean we have a more filtered,
>probably higher S/N list, with clear guidelines for members, so we would
>still have a new members-only benefit to add to the other membership
>Feedback welcome.
>Max More, Ph.D.
>President, Extropy Institute:,

I think that this is the best idea so far. I just discovered this new
world of possibilities and as I am not a member, I would hate to see it go
already...there is too much potential for that, and filtering what I want
to read isnt that bad.

Ian Camilleri

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