[INSPIRE] Longevity

From: Arjen Kamphuis (mountain@knoware.nl)
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 07:21:51 MST

I hope this isn't too noisy ;-)

>Albert Amateau, who is 105 years old, says he expected
>longevity. "I lived my life in such a way that I knew I would
>live beyond 100," he explains.
>Being an avid walker has always been a part of his life. He
>was once examined by a physician, 50 years is junior, who
>was amazed to hear that Mr. Amateau waked four or five
>miles every day.
>"What do you do when it rains?" asked the doctor.
>"I put on a raincoat," the old man replied.
> - Unknown
> Courtesy of Pat & Rob, SOL

From: http://www.infoadvn.com/inspire/

     Arjen Kamphuis | Learn as if you will live forever.
mountain@knoware.nl | Live as though you will die tomorrow.

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