Re: Fwd: $250K prize at "Space Frontier Conference VI"

From: David Anderman (
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 18:48:27 MST

>Forwarded message:
>From: (John McPherson)
>Date: 97-11-18 01:13:45 EST
> An inventor friend of mine, Dr. Win Wenger, has designed
> a cheap space launch system, and has released his idea into
> the public domain. See URL:
> Could this count as an entry in the contest?

Assuming that all other aspects of the system meet the requirements of the
prize, including
placement of the payload in space within 3 years, then Dr. Wenger's system
would indeed
be eligible to compete in the $250K prize. Of course, it would cost him
about a gazillion dollars
to build his system in the next 3 years, and government money can't be used
to fund the development
of competing systems for the prize, so good luck.

Let us know when you are ready to integrate our payload into your system!

David Anderman

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