Re: Question everything - believe nothing without meaningful proof.

From: Abraham Moses Genen (
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 17:36:21 MST

Abraham Moses Genen
Being dedicated to the future progress of humankind
should be the prime concern of all civilized beings.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Goddard <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 1997 6:01 AM
Subject: Question Not Authoritarian Decree

>Abraham Moses Genen ( wrote:
>>Dear Fellow Extropians:
>>Having read Mr. Goddard's speculations, conjectures ( and possibly
>>paranoid delusions)repeatedly, may I respectfully suggest that he
>>consider reading Aristotle on scientific method followed by
>>Blackstone on the rules of evidence.
> IAN: It seems that every media outlet
> in the Western world can tell a lie,
> and ostensibly any number of lies,
> yet Abraham Moses Genen would only
> see wrong in he who questioned the
> authorities and thus was the target
> of such apparently justifed lies.
Wrong. - Anyone who accepts any form of authoritarian statement without carefully examining the evidence and the motivation of the authority is a fool. A fool also accepts the ravings of anyone who believes they have developed a perpetual motion machine. (Draw your own inference) AMG
> The authorities and media are
> free to lie at will,And are quite capable of telling the truth as well.
>but woe unto he who dares to
>question the divine rights Nothing makes them or anyone else "devine".
> of authority. Except the edict
> of authority without question,
> or suffer the slings of ad hominem,
> ridicule and threats of violence.
> Except their proclamations without
> resistance or face the retribution
> of universal slander. Such is what
> it takes to ensure unswerving
> obedience to authority.
> Abraham Moses Genen does not - Actually I do!
> need to question the FBI & CIA,
> for he has faith in them, I have faith in scientific method and logic not metaphore spouting twits
I do not. OK, what do you accept as proof??
> Abraham Moses Genen needs to
> ridicule as mentally deranged -Wrong Again - I usually confine my critiques to the foolish and the absurd.-
> he who questiond the FBI & CIA,
> yet I do not need to impugn
> the sanity of those who
> do not question.
> If we shoot arrows at that which
> we fear, then Abraham Moses Genen
> fears the questioning of authority.
> I believe that Extropians should not
> and do not fear but P R O M O T E
> the questioning of authority.
> My questioning of the investigation
> of TWA 800 by the authorities has
> been careful and responsible,
> reckless only to the degree
> I failed to realize the
> attacks and threats
> I would suffer.
> Where has my contribution to the
> process of questioning authority
> failed to meet high standards:
> None can show an error, falsehood,
> or fabrication even as they sling
> mud and charges of fraud. These
> people assault not just myself,
> but the process of free inquiry.
>Nothing is more absurd than self delusion.
>VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->

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