Re: Uplifting octupi: when and where?

Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 14:28:32 MST

In a message dated 97-11-19 06:16:31 EST, you write:

<< >And octopi. Take an octopus who has never seen a glass jar. Put a
>lobster in a glass jar with a screw-on lid -- an ordinary mayonnaise
>jar will work if it's a small enough lobster. Toss the jar in with
>the octopus. Within about five minutes, the jar is open (not
>broken, open) and so is the lobster.
 I've seen this on TV. It does show that they have a lot of potential. (I
 how many humans would pass?:) It would also be exciting to uplift them
 they are so different from us. I imagine the ideas/experiences they/we
 share would be fantastic/near-mind-shattering to us/them.

Octopi also have a very advanced/evolved communication system, lighting up
their skin with patterns.


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