Uploading, that's needed !! , Uplifting ?!

From: Alex Tseng (alextseng@rocketmail.com)
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 02:49:17 MST

Hi Anders, Thanks for the Definitions....

:->UPLIFT: To increase the intelligence and help develop a
culture of a previously non- or near-intelligent species. [From
the Uplift novels by David Brin]

Though one might ask, why one wants to change the species in the
first place, is there any practical benefits from that ?
Also if one uplifts human intelligence into dangerous animals ,...
WOW.., Won't that be something like Aliens Resurrection.....
I'd serious consider the re-percussions of such a move , or
hold a referrendum on this issue....?!

:->UPLOAD: (a) To transfer the consciousness and mental structure
of a person from a biological matrix to an electronic or
informationalmatrix ( this assumes that the strong AI postulate
holds). The term "Downloading" is also sometimes used, mainly to
denote transferring the mind to a slower or less spacious matrix.
(b) The resulting infomorph person. [The origin of the term is
uncertain, but obviously based on the computer technology term
'uploading' (loading data into a mainframe computer].

This makes more extropian sense, if you are to gather more
information about our universe ; explore it and colonize
it,....with self-replicating machines with Uploaded Human
Intelligence in them or many-times; manifold mega-human
intelligence onboard

I'd always thought of the current space probes like Cassini etc..
they are robots which have extended human senses ,...which
is like a piece of you and me out there in harsh environment,...
doing measurement and collecting data in our place,....

Uploaded Machines can do much much much more,....
That's great,... providing you have eliminated the destructive
tendencies / low-reptitian etc etc aspect of our Human makeup
Agreed? Or else we'll end up with a situation far worst than a
runaway Uplifting scenario...Any suggestions ? ....headways ?

:->In that case we'll start our own shop next door with
competitive prices.

In that case .... we weren't be around to open one though I wish
to be there at the open ceremony, any plans how to start one ?
I hope this is the humor section.....

Thanks for your feedback
Alex Tseng

Die to live forever, live as you were going to die today -

We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.
   - Antioch Bookmarks

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want
to test a man's character, give him power.
--Abraham Lincoln

UPLIFT: To increase the intelligence and help develop a culture
of a previously non- or near-intelligent species. [From the
Uplift novels
by David Brin]
UPLOAD: (a) To transfer the consciousness and mental structure of
a person from a biological matrix to an electronic or informational
matrix (this assumes that the strong AI postulate holds). The term
"Downloading" is also sometimes used, mainly to denote
transferring the mind to a slower or less spacious matrix. (b)
The resulting infomorph person. [The origin of the term is
uncertain, but obviously based on the computer technology term
'uploading' (loading data into a mainframe computer].

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