Re: Specialization and Optimization Of Neural Organization By Selective Stimulation And Deprivation

From: Mike Coward (
Date: Tue Nov 11 1997 - 10:03:25 MST

<Hej Anders, :-)
it sure would be nice to say hello to other people
but they want to talk about numbers, money, and government.
I wonder if you are the only person that reads me.
May be Max told every one to give me the silent treatment. :-)>

>Date: 10 Nov 1997 19:45:25 +0100
>From: Anders Sandberg <>
>Subject: Re: Specialization and Optimization Of Neural Organization By
Selective Stimulation And Deprivation
>Mike Coward <> writes:
>> >Other areas take over the use of the cortex; this can be quite large
>> >changes if they occur early or during periods of neural
>> >plasticity.
>> >
>> ><<<
>> >1:1- How do I induce plasticity?
>Training seems to be the usual way.

That's too general a term for me.
1- How do I train for an intensification of neural plasticity?
1 1- What thoughts,
1 2- how hard,
1 3- how long?
1 4- How does blood pressure effect it?
1 5- How does diet effect it?
How about calcium?

>> >1:2- If there was hyperplasticity what would it be like,
>> >short term memory?
>Do you mean a state of very high neural plasticity? In that case you
>would likely learn fast but also forget fast, new memories would erase
>old memories and stray thoughts would be remembered far too well.

...sounds like short-term memory.
1- What would mid-term memory be if anything?

>in the right way it would be perfect for self programming,

How can the mind become more sensitive to other frequencies
(ie. radio, EM biofields)?

>> >1:3:1- How does short term memory work?
>Good question. Some of it is likely activity patterns in the cell
>assemblies involved in a thought or a concept that remains over time,
>and slowly fades. There are also some plastic processes in synapses
>which may act here, but honestly we don't know yet.

1- What do neurons that get used often for a long time have?
Seems likely to me that short term memories lack that.
2- Do cells detach and reattach to others?
3- Is there an intermediate phase between approach and connection
in which signals may be passed?
4- On average, what direction do axons point?

>> >2:2- This basicly happens to the paralysed, what happens to them?
>I have heard some reports that people with certain forms of paralysis
>get a state of flat affect. But I have not looked into the area much.

So pathways become unused
because all stimuli use other paths of less resistance?

>> >2:3- If I wore sunglasses, earplugs, and gloves 24 hours a day
>> >how would my brain change after...
>Change in what way? There are change on many timescales, ranging from
>seconds to years. Most likely you would quickly adapt in a few hours,

What happens during adaptation?

>and then there would be a gradual deterioration as the lack of sensory
>input made you more sensitive to "neural noise" and internally
>generated sensations.

Especially during meditation,
I feel my pulse in my brain and hear it in my ears.
I follow can the path of gas through my intestines for minutes.
It's made me so aware of my repiration
that I am developing a new rythym and matras to match.
My spine creaks at the base of my skull.

My sunglasses do not do much harm as I stare at a moniter all day.
I do not wear earplugs ALL the time,
"Future Fantastic", The Learning Channel, and the Discovery Channel
are good to listen to.
Another interesting related fact is I remember more dreams.

1- What is "neural noise"?
Is that why my ears squeal?

>> >I need a funtional brain map
>> >to see what tasks are next to eachother;
>> >I've spent several hours looking but failed.
>We don't know where and how "Tasks" are stored, although we have
>reasonably good maps of some functions (like the visual cortex,
>primary motor system, speech etc).

some good technical terms for brain map,
that's all I need.

>A PET or fMRI scan shows what
>areas are activated during different tasks, but gives no hint of what
>they actually do.
> Lesion studies help to find out this by disrupring
>ordinary function, and sometimes electrical stimulation and/or
>recording can give more information. But it is a very complex
>undertaking to understand even a small region.

It would help if PETs and fMRIs were done
during lucid nihil meditation (stops thought during dream).
The S/N is better.

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