That's a great idea !!!

From: Alex Tseng (
Date: Tue Oct 28 1997 - 00:29:05 MST

That's a great idea !!!

---Leevi Marttila <> wrote:
> Wayne Hayes <> writes:
As an aside about the "allowing external posters"
thread: I'm not subscribed to this list, because I
can't afford the time to recieve 50 messages a day.
However, I occasionally visit the web site and
respond to posts that way. If you only allowed posts
by approved members of the list, I wouldn't be able
to do that. Perhaps there should be a list of
"allowed posters", separate from (and presumably a
superset of) the list of recipients.

RedHat has solved it this way:
2. New Items
You can now subscribe to a special place that will
allow you to post to any of the Red Hat mailing
lists, but you will not receive any mail. This is
for folks who read our mailing lists via local
special gateways and such. If you don't understand
this or why you would need it, you probably don't
need it at all. See the ``post-only'' list
instructions below if you'd like to subscribe to it.
Yes, the ``post-only'' idea does make it easier for
spammers to spam all our lists, but it does have a
subscription confirmation mechanism on it so we
should be able to track attempts at such activity.
o post-only
This ``list'' is a fake list. It has no posting
address, only a request address
( You can subscribe
to this list and then you will be allowed to post to
any of the RedHat mailing lists without receiving any
mail from those lists. This is because we do not
allow posts from folks who aren't subscribed to the
list, but frequently people want to read the list via
local gateways and so forth and don't need to subscribe
themselves. This way you just subscribe to
`post-only'' and you are allowed to post to any list.

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